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Babun 1.2.0 released at DevoxxPL

23.06.2015 by Lukasz Pielak

Babun 1.2.0 was just released at #DevoxxPL! We added the following:

Brand new 'shell-here' plugin

Now you can open babun directly in any folder by right clicking your mouse and choosing the Open Babun here option.

You don’t want to have that option in your windows context menu? No problem, just execute babun shell-here remove.

~/.local/bin and ~/bin added to the PATH

In 1.2.0 we added a ~/.local/bin and a symlink ~/bin pointing to ~/.local/bin to the PATH.

We added ACK - the better grep

Ack is a grep replacement designed for developers. Now instead of typing

$ grep pattern $(find . -name '*.pl' -or -name '*.pm' -or -name '*.pod' | grep -v .svn)

you can type

$ ack --perl pattern

For details visit

We replaced the cygwin’s ping with the windows ping

Why? Because Cygwin’s ping requires admin rights to be executed. Besides the windows ping supports IPv6. The cygwin’s ping was renamed to cygping.

We added uninstall.bat script

It is stored in Babun’s installation directory. It makes sure that all footprints left by plugins (such as registry entries) are deleted when babun is uninstalled.

Full list of changes

  • crontab weirdness #212

  • Cygwin’s ping does not work without admin rights #300

  • find 'cygdrive/j' : Permission denied #282

  • BABUN_HOME not always set #298

  • "Open Shell Here" context menu fails to work with Babun #183

  • ConEmu 'Here' Integration #291

  • Add ack tool to the package, see #306

  • Race Condition in Babun Startup #332

  • Add ~/.local/bin to PATH variable #325

  • Babun uninstall script #324


Babun 1.1.1 with cntlm proxy support

07.04.2015 by Lukasz Pielak

New: Auto update supports cntlm proxy (fix for #273).

Babun 1.1.0 released

04.04.2015 by Lukasz Pielak

After months of hard work a new version of Babun has been finally promoted to production!

This release features an important change in the auto-update behavior.

From now on babun update will also check and update the underlying Cygwin instance with all Cygwin packages that have been already installed, apart from updating babun itself.

The main reason for this change was to make sure that the packages installed with pact are compatible with the underlying Cygwin instance. Pact always fetches the newest available package from the Cygwin repository, but it does not update Cygwin’s internal DLLs', thus it was possible that a new version of given package like git, ruby, emacs etc. would not work on top of the older Cygwin version embedded in babun.

For this reason it is important to keep pact packages and Cygwin core libraries 'in sync'.

Babun will automatically check on startup if there is a newer Cygwin version available and prompt the user to update it. On Cygwin update babun will close itself, run the Cygwin installer in a separate cmd process and restart itself once the installation has been completed. If there is a newer version of Cygwin available pact will not allow the user to install new packages. Instead they will be prompted with the following message:

{ ~ }  ยป pact install arj                                                                       ~
CRITICAL: The underlying Cygwin version is outdated!
It's forbidden to install new packages as they may fail to work.
Execute 'babun update' and follow the instructions to update Cygwin.
If you know what you are doing add '--force' flag to proceed.

As you can see it is still possible to install packages using the --force option but it is not guaranteed that the downloaded package will work correctly.

Big thanks to @v-yadli for helping us designing and developing the concept of this feature.

The auto-update improvement is not the only change in 1.1.0. This release is shipped with other new features coded up during several hackergartens, hacking sessions and long coding nights. The most important features are:

  • 'pact update', so that you may update a package to a newer version

  • 'fake sudo', so that you can run scripts containg sudo

  • soft links to harddrives, like /c, /d, so that you may forget about /cygdrive/c

  • a lot of fixed bugs; all of them are listed here:

Many thanks to everybody who contributed to this release via pull requests, by helping other users, or even by fixing typos!

Also a big thank you to @almorelle, @vanushv, @tonilampela, @v-yadli, @harijoe, @airborn and @kubamarchwicki for taking time and effort of testing this version.

In case you have the previous version installed it’s important to invoke 'babun update' to stay up-to-date!

We really hope that you’ll like this release. If you do, tweet about it, star babun on github or just…​ enjoy it :)


P.S. If somebody is interested in the full list of issues that have been squashed in 1.1.0, just have a look:

  • MD5 sum did not patch, exiting #265

  • Package 'git' is broken after update #259

  • Cmake just returns to prompt without doing anything #252

  • Upgrading Git #242

  • versioning in pact, and pact upgrade & pact dist-upgrade (or the other way) #239

  • Updating git #232

  • Numpy not working after pact install #231

  • Command exits with 127 on Babun, but works on Cygwin #225

  • Unable to start X server after pact install xorg-server xinit #222

  • Emacs doesn’t run #210

  • g++ compilation doesn’t produce any resulting file #203

  • Upgrading with pact not available #199

  • shellshock: bash 4.1.10(4) and zsh 5.0.2 (i686-cygwin) vulnerablility #198

  • Pact Installer, Md5 checksum not matching…​ #257

  • Add "login" command to babun’s script #253

  • Rerun babun startup scripts after running 'babun update' #250

  • Duplicate call of babun.zsh in /etc/zshrc #249

  • Git plugin changes my gitconfig #247

  • Cannot update oh-my-zsh on start #211

  • etc/zprofile is being called twice causing CHERE_INVOKING to fail. #205

  • .bashrc running three times #166

Babun 1.0.1 is out

06.06.2014 by Lukasz Pielak

Babun 1.0.1 is out!

There’s a lot of goodies that have been included in this release - the most importants ones are:

  • There is no interference with the existing Cygwin installations.

  • You may have whicespace or accent characters in your Windows username.

  • You may install to a custom folder using the install.bat /t "d:\babun_folder" switch.

  • You may install babun having the %HOME% env variable set (babun will reuse the user’s Windows home folder)

  • You can easily pin babun to taskbar

If you already have babun 1.0.0 just invoke "babun update" and enjoy the newest version!

We would like to thank the community for being very active and supportive. Special thanks to Babun’s contributors:

austingreco #75,

SamMorrowDrums #85,

meeech #85,

olivierdagenais #91,

simonbasle #103,

jsevol #108 #110,

prabirshrestha #129,

dogrizz #138,

mmounirou #153 #156,

bentsai #162,

Johann-S #141


Babun 1.0.0 released!


Babun 1.0.0 has been just released! Enjoy!

Older posts are available in the archive.